I help people be their best, for the benefit of the Whole.

Physicist, Buddhist & inner-space teacher for high achievers.

“It’s been an earth shattering paradigm shift that I can only describe as “becoming myself”. The program has brought into alignment what I (and I’m sure all of us) have yearned for on some level, our whole lives.”


I’m Cristina Star,

I am a multi-potentialite with a lifelong passion for understanding the nature of all things, inner and outer, and applying what I learn for ultimate benefit.

My greatest joy is to help people be their best selves and participate fully in the complexity of the time’s very real challenges from that highest possibility. My deepest intention is that we can choose a future for Humanity, the Earth, and the Solar Ecosystem that is balanced, integrated and compassionate.

Along my journey, I have taken a deep dive into physics, astronomy, the space industry, Buddhism, Yoga, Lakota ceremony, and ethical business. I have had the honor to train with some of the best and earn a bunch of degrees and credentials along the way. As much as I am a forever student, leading people through personal transformation to inspire a more beautiful world is my primary mission.


Here is how I support change:


One on one, specific to each life, I guide intelligent, curious and disciplined humans to a new level of capacity, awareness, health, and alignment. If you are feeling stuck wondering “What is next?” after the trainings you have done, lets hop on a call and explore if my approach is the answer.

Cosmic Citizen Trainings

These new programs provide self-development framed specifically for science and technology professionals, commercial astronauts, and space enthusiasts to cultivate their highest potential: ensuring integration of essential knowledge of the self, ethics, balanced living, and an expanded worldview to address the urgent challenges of these times.

Writings on Inner & Outer Space

Space policy, space business ethics, environmental impacts of the space industry, the Overview Effect, and all the hope of what is possible for humanity… yes! Emotional intelligence, mindfulness, healthy living… that too.

They are more related than you might think!

Cosmic Citizens Report…

Exploring Inner & Outer Space, on The Lounge

Yes, I’m on social.